MCX Commodity Trading Downwards

The Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), MCXCOMDEX down by 0.35 points, or 0.01%, at 3,932.24 after opening at 3,937.47 (02.04 p.m.) Other index like MCX METAL is trading downward by 9.53 points, or 0.19%, at 4,944.41 after opening at 4,954.39. Meanwhile MCX ENERGY is trading up 1.12 points, or 0.03%, at 3,489.04 after opening at 3,500.60. MCX AGRI is trading up 14.87 points, or 0.42%, at 3,580.60 after opening at 3,581.36.

MCX Gold showed some growth in the price levels while the mcx silver is still in its downtrend. The mcx market is a bit choppy and the trade sentiments is mixed due budget 2012 - 2013. But now the trade will surely increase after budget decision.